Little Snitch 6 Help

Traffic Chart

The Traffic Chart provides a graphical representation of your computer’s network activity. It lets you view and analyze data volumes in a resolution of one second (for the most recent traffic) and in a time frame of up to one year (with a resolution of one hour).

The Traffic Chart always represents the data transferred by the connections selected in the connection list, or all visible connections if none are selected.

Traffic Chart Overview

You can hover over the bars in the chart to see the amounts of data sent and received and the time range represented by the bar.

Selecting a time range

You can select a time range by dragging over the respective bars. When a time range is selected, the numbers for bytes received and sent refer to the selected range. The time range is also applied as a filter to the connection list and the list narrows down to show only connections which had relevant events during that time (data sent or received, connections established, denied by a rule). The sort order temporarily switches to traffic amounts so that it is easier to analyze which connection caused the traffic seen in the diagram.

Who has caused that traffic peak? When you select a time range in the Traffic Chart, the connection list and Map View focus on connections that actually had any traffic during that time. If you see a traffic peak in the diagram, you can select it to see which process caused it.

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