Little Snitch 6 Help

Rule groups

Rule groups are a way of organizing rules by topic so that they can be enabled or disabled with a single click.

There are three types of rule groups:

The rules in remote rule groups are global by design, so any changes you make to them (enable, disable) will affect all users on the computer and therefore require the Allow Global Rule Editing option to be turned on in Settings > Security.

To add a new rule group, click on the “+” right to the “Rule Groups” section header:

Adding Rule Group

Factory rule groups

Factory rule groups cover topics which many users want to allow as a whole:

You can enable or disable rule groups at any time. Open Little Snitch Configuration and have a look at the Rule Groups section in the left sidebar.

Remote rule groups

Remote rule groups are used to share a set of rules among multiple computers.

Sharing a group

In order to set up a share point, you need a secure web server (https) with a trusted certificate. Insecure transport is not supported. Little Snitch loads and updates rule groups in the lsrules format, which in JSON syntax.

The easiest way to prepare a file in .lsrules format is to select the rules which should go into the file in Little Snitch and choose File > Export Selected Rules… from the main menu.

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