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Inspector pane
Click Show Inspector in the top right corner of the rules window to show the inspector.
- Rule Action — A short c of the Rule’s action and remote endpoint.
Rule properties — A list of rule properties, some of them optional:
- Sound: If this is a sound rule, the sound played when the rule matches.
- Path: The file system path of the process.
- Identification: How the process is recognized: by code ID, by path (checking identity) or by path without identity check.
- Check: If the process is identified by path and the identity is checked, this property tells how the check is performed.
- Code ID: The textual form of the code identity of the process, as it is used for rule matching.
- Redundancy: Whether the rule is covered by an other rule or whether it covers an other rule. Includes convenience links for frequent actions.
- Liftetime: If the rule is temporary, until when the rule is active.
- Priority: Whether the rule has normal or high priority.
- Owner: Whether the rule matches processes owned by the current user, by the system or by anyone.
- Blocklists: If this is a blocklist entry shown in the All Blocklists section, the blocklists containing this entry.
- Created: Date and time when the rule was created.
- Modified: Date and time when the rule was last modified.
- Used: How many connections were matched by this rule.
- Last: When the rule matched a connection for the last time.
Properties of rules representing blocklists:
- Description: Descriptive text found in the blocklist, provided by Little Snitch or entered by the user.
- URL: URL from which the blocklist is downloaded.
- Total: Total number of entries in the list.
- Disabled: Number of entries disabled by the user.
- Unapproved: Number of entries not yet approved by the user.
- Checked: Date and time of last update from URL. Includes a link to update now.
- IAP and notes — A section with textual information associated with the rule:
- Internet Access Policy, if available.
- Notes attached by the user.
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