Dieser Abschnitt ist leider noch nicht auf Deutsch verfügbar. Wir entschuldigen uns für die Unannehmlichkeiten.
$ littlesnitch write-preference --help
usage: littlesnitch write-preference [-hr] <key> [<new value>]
-h, --help
Print a short help and exit.
-r, --remove
Remove the value for the given key.
This command is used to modify preferences. The value argument is converted to the type of the preference. Example values for types are:
boolean: true, false
unsigned integer: 23, 9953274
integer: -25, 2147483647
floating point: -547.23, 993.13
date: 2021-05-01T13:11:59
string: any text you like
data: QmFzZTY0IGVuY29kZWQgZGF0YQo= (base 64 encoded)
Dictionary and array elements can only be set individually. If you want to add an entry to an array, use e.g.:
sudo littlesnitch write-preference dontShowDenyConsequencesAgain.1 at.obdev.launchbar
where 1
represents the index to be written.
Note that you can disable the command line utility with sudo littlesnitch write-preference allowCommandLineAccess false
. If you do that, you lock yourself out and you must go back to the settings UI to enable it.
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