Little Snitch 4 Help

Keyboard shortcuts

Most actions in the connection alert can be triggered via keyboard shortcuts:

Toggle display of details D or I
Toggle display of Research Assistant H
Select duration “Forever” 1 or F
Select next duration 2 or
Select previous duration 3 or
Select duration “For 15 Minutes” 0
Select duration “Until Quit” Q
Select duration “Until Restart” R
Select duration “Until Logout” L
Select duration “Once” (no rule is created) O or hold down
Select server condition “Any Connection” A
Select previous server condition
Select next server condition
Cycle through server conditions S
Cycle through server condition name options N
Toggle if rule should be created in active profile P
Deny  esc  or
+ or
+ .
Minimize Alert + M

By holding  ctrl  you can also quickly select the duration “Forever” – unless that is the preselected duration configured in the alert preferences, in which case holding that key will select “Until Quit”.

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